ELK Support Forum Terms of Use
Elk Support Forums are been designed as another support tool for professionals with ELK products to ask questions and interact with other ELK Dealers, ELK Authorized Distributors, and ELK Corporate to receive answers faster to their technical issues. As with any Forum, there are some basic rules of engagement to follow. Please read these carefully if you plan to participate. ELK Products reserves the right to report or delete abusive postings.
Rule No. 1 - Flaming, Bashing, and Trolling
Personal attacks and hate posts will not be tolerated on the ELK M1 Support Forum. Please treat others on the Forum as you would expect them to treat you in person or by electronic communications. Posting topics specifically designed to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling) is also specifically banned.
Rule No. 2 - No 'Spamming'
Purposely spamming a message board with senseless, vacuous, or empty messages to gain a higher post count, or just to annoy others, or bash users or ELK is not tolerated. Commercial spamming and advertising are just as unwelcome; double posting is allowed to an extent.
Rule No. 3 - Impersonating Other Users / Accessing Another User's Account
You may not impersonate another board member or create an account specifically for the purpose of provoking other users. Also, accessing or using someone else's account or attempting to access another poster's account is strictly prohibited. Any such users will be banned and if applicable, referred to law enforcement authorities.
Rule No. 4 - Piracy
Linking or giving information about any site that distributes illegal software, seeking help to circumvent any copyright laws, or encouraging software or media piracy is grounds for an immediate ban.
Rule No. 5 – Poor language and related
Please remember that this board is a 'PUBLIC' forum. Poor language and related is prohibited for obvious reasons and will be promptly deleted.
Rule No. 6 - Copyrighted Material
Users agree not to post any material or images that are protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner(s) of said copyright, trademark or other proprietary right.
Rule No. 7 – Language
This is an English-speaking forum at this time. Please type your post in English. If you don't speak English, please check with our customer service / support team directly.