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The text notifications work similar to an email notification when coming from the service. In your example, we would utilize ATT’s email to text service. Essentially, it is just your mobile number followed by @txt.att.net. Be sure to select the proper carrier when setting up the phone number information as this indicates to the site which service to add to the number.
That said, I believe are having an issue with phone number storage which is likely impacting the text notifications as well. I have meeting in the morning with the web team to discuss the issue in more detail, they have been working on since you reported the issue over the weekend. We suspect an update to the core services with in the site are likely causing an issue.
As for the Push Notifications, these are notifications that are pushed to the device that are from the app. This will appear as a ElkConnect notification on the device. In order to enable this, you will need to enable the push option in the user login of the elkconect.com site. Then you will need to login with the USER’s login credentials in app, then connect to the control with a user pin. This will enable push notifications to the device. Note, if you login to the same device with an Installer level login, it will clear the push notification “bit” that gets set when the user logins. This is intentional as it would be problematic for installers to recieve push notifications from each panel they connect to.
We should have an update on the text notification issue soon.