Alarm Engine Support Forum ElkConnect cellular difficulty Reply To: ElkConnect cellular difficulty

Michael Burrell

    We have not received any reports of cellular connectivity issues. I spent a good part of the day out of the office and tested the system in several locations without encountering any problems related to remote connectivity.

    That said, I want to provide some additional details regarding the system’s remote connectivity. When the system is in the process of “syncing” with the control panel, it will report a connection failure if the app loses focus or is moved to the background. Suspending or moving away from the app disconnects it from the control panel. However, if you are already synced with the control panel, this should not be an issue; the app will quickly reconnect when you return to it. Additionally, we are aware that the sync time from the cloud or local network is longer than we would like. We are actively working on improving this process to make it quicker and simpler to connect. You can expect to see improvements in this area in the coming months.

    Here are some additional tips to consider: If you want to connect quickly to check the system status, it’s best to do so with a USER PIN code rather than as the INSTALLER pin. The amount of data needed is much less for the user since most of the configuration options don’t need to be loaded. You can also configure a “simple” USER PIN with limited options, which will connect much faster than a standard PIN. This can be done by creating a simple USER GROUP with only ARM and DISARM enabled, allowing the app to load just the basics for a quick system check. You can then add a secondary simple PIN under USERS. Again, this is only a suggestion to enhance your experience. As mentioned, we are working to improve this process.

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