M1 Support Forum Yelp vs Steady on Sirens like ELK-74 or M120. Reply To: Yelp vs Steady on Sirens like ELK-74 or M120.

Brad Weeks

    The ELK 74 and the M120 are two-tone self-contained sirens which operate on 12 VDC. Depending on the wire the +12 VDC is applied will determine which sound is produced RED Wire = Yelp and YELLOW Wire the Steady tone. Generally speaking you would use one or the other depending on the desired sound. If you wanted both then I’d suggest using rules and a physical relay output:

    Whenever Any Burg Alarm Turns ON

    And NO Fire Alarm is Active

    Then Turn OUTPUT 15 ON

    Whenever any Fire Alarm Turns ON

    Then Turn OUTPUT 15 OFF

    Then Turn OUTPUT 16 ON

    Whenever My Home (Area 1) Becomes Disarmed

    Then Turn OUTPUT 15 OFF

    Then Turn OUTPUT 16 OFF


    OUTPUT 2 when selected as a Voltage Out (Globals G26) is Negative Switched rated for 12VDC at 1 AMP MAX. Output 2 is also hardcoded to be Steady Voltage for Burglar Alarm and Temporal 3 Pulsing for Fire Alarm

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