M1 Support Forum Getting my M1XEP up and running again Reply To: Getting my M1XEP up and running again

Brad Weeks

    Use the JP2 Jumper on the M1XEP and the instructions on page 18 of the M1XEP Installation Manual and make sure the M1XEP is set to DHCP Mode. With the JP2 Jumper across the two pins watch the Green Network LED and if blinking Once Per Second then remove the JP2 and allow the M1XEP to reboot. In ElkRP2 click the M1XEP and FIND to see if you can “Find” the M1XEP on your Local Area Network. If not visit our website at https://www.elkproducts.com/elkdoc/special-m1xep-2-0-34-updater-utility/ and run the Special M1XEP 2.0.34 Updater Utility to see if the Utility can Find the M1XEP. If so the Utility will tell you 1) the M1XEP is too old to be updated, 2) Already running Firmware 2.0.34 or 3) will update the M1XEP Firmware to 2.0.34. If the utility updates the M1XEP wait about 10 minutes before attempting to Find and Connect using ElkRP2 version 2.0.41

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