Alarm Engine Support Forum 2-way transceiver daughterboard GND

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  • #8060
    Keith Belt

      The 2-way sensor transceiver daughterboard has a 2-position connector for the antenna.  The other position on the connector is labelled “GND”, but the instructions don’t say anything about it.  Are we supposed to connect a ground wire to the board there?

      Michael Burrell


        I appericate you asking, I believe I know the answer. But let me confirm with my electrical engineer before I give the wrong answer. I will update this thread tomorrow.




        Michael Burrell


          There are two reason for the GND (Ground) terminal on the RF boards.

          1. The primary reason is stability and strenght of the terminal block. We try to not use single terminal block connections as they will twist off when tighting them. Having a double terminal block adds stability.
          2. There was a need in the past to share a ground plane with the RF board and the metal enclosure. This really no longer needed. We just left the extra GND connection for stability purposes.

          We do not recommend utilizing the GND on the RF3 or RF9 boards.




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