I have suddenly received the error above on my C1M1. I placed on test and tripped the alarm and received “Unable to communicate” Rebooted to no avail. I can still connect to it via RP2. No errors on C1M1. Last 4 is 13A6. This is a Verizon unit and updated.
Failed To Communicate would indicate the System attempted to send a signal to the Central Monitoring Service but did not receive the Acknowledgement of the signal from the Central Station Receiver. The message will continue to display until a successful Acknowledgement is received. Is the C1M1 powered off at this time? It is currently showing “Outdated” meaning it hasn’t communicated to the ElkLink Server. With the C1M1 powered up “Carefully” remove the front cover and locate the tamper switch in the center of the circuit board. Press the tamper switch 12 times then replace the front cover . Your C1M1 is running .17 firmware and .19 is available.
Sorry for the confusion, Brad. I originally received “Ethernet trouble” when testing my smoke detectors, the “Unable to communicate” is also showing on keypad. The C1M1 is currently powered on. Will the 12x tamper solve these issues?
I suspect the “Ethernet Trouble” is being caused by improper configured settings in ElkLink. Please reach out to your Installer to verify the IP Address for Central Station Surgard IP Receiver and the Port number as well as if DNIS is required. If the Central Station offers a Backup IP and Port that to should be verified. At this time the account appears to have a Backup IP BUT the Port is 0 which is not a valid port number.