My M1Gold system was installed in 2006 and has been working fine since then. Recently, after a power outage, I tried to access the system through the dial in facility. After dialing 4*’s the system asks for my access code but then doesn’t recognize it when I key it in. After 7 seconds, it says “hanging up” but the line stays connected until I hand up the phone on my end. I seem to remember that it would disconnect itself after it said hanging up. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might cause this type of failure other than some kind of physical circuit damage or data corruption due to a power spike? I am able to get the system to call me and to respond when I hit certain keys as dictated by a rule I set up so the dialer appears to be generally intact, Also, I am able to access the system with ELK RP software. That said, my M1 board is very old (seep info below) and I am running a version of ELK RP (not sure where to find version #) on an old PC running Windows XP.
Do I need to purchase a new M1 board or is there a way to recover the dialer access?
Thank you!
Hardware: M1G
Hardware version: 0.11
Boot version: 3.1.15
Firmware version: 4.3.1
Voice list version 0.8
Date installed 3/2006