I’ve had two Elk-6050 smokes seemingly go ‘bad’ the last month. One kept falsely triggering and so I ordered a new 6052. And then last night another bought around the same time went off, with no explanation.
Is there a known issue with longevity….? Or have I just had some bad luck?
Under the Enroll/Update window in ElkRP2 is the model of your Transceiver the M1XRFTW or the M1XRFTW”M“? If it is the M1XRFTW (non-M) version then 1.2.56 is the latest Firmware for this model
Mine is the non-M version, so I’m on the latest. I didn’t see anything in the relnotes for the M1 that suggested this might help. I’ll upgrade it, sure, but do you think that will really help this situation?
So it’s getting there, yes. I don’t think i installed the panel until late 2015, but I will change it. Think I should still upgrade the f/w on the panel?