M1 Support Forum Green wire ELK-WSV3 to M1G

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  • #8441
    Matt Sirotzki

      I think I am going to give the elk-wsv3 a go on this install.  I like the fail-safe as well as the easy bypass.  I know the green wire produces 12v when closed and can be used for sense however I am a bit iffy on how that relates to the M1G.  Does this just go into one of the hardwire zones?  Then change the type from EOL to NO?  This is my only sticking point right now.

      Brad Weeks

        The Green Wire of the Water Shutoff Valve ELK WSV3 can connect to a Zone to let the M1 know if the valve is Open or Closed. You will need to configure the Zone as Type EOL with the 2.2KΩ Ohm resistor across the Zn and Neg of the zone. When the valve is Open the Zone is Secure and when the valve closes the Zone will become Not Secure .

        Matt Sirotzki

          That makes perfect sense Brad.  No idea why I couldn’t envision that setup.  Thank you!

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