Hello. I have set up Honeywell 5800C2W. It all seems to work but it needs loop 4 to report power/battery/tamper. Without having it set up this way, it reports trouble on its hardwired zone, which is pretty confusing. I don’t know if there’s actual problem with hardwired zone or a trouble condition. Is there a way to add it since wireless setup only goes up to loop 3?
Perhaps you should evaluate it. It’s the only device I found that allows to connect a bunch of wired zones to M1. So in a set up where you have a bunch of wired zones going to a different location, like a second apartment, there aren’t that many options. Going full wireless not only costs several times the price, but also, might not fit well in place of existing sensors.
And it’s been working perfectly for me except this optional loop 4 issue.