The m1xep can connect using old computer with windows vista using legacy rp. But can’t connect using rp2 on windows 10. Tried downloading the database onto a thumb drive and using it the windows 10 computer doesn’t work what are my next steps, suggestions. Or what am I doing wrong. Thanks in advance.
What version of ElkRP2 are you running and what is the firmware version in the M1XEP? You should be using the latest ElkRP2 version 2.0.41 and the M1XEP needs to be 2.0.34 or later. The latest is 2.0.51.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Thanks for your reply. The way I am connecting is old Vista laptop. Legacy rp . M1xep 1.0 2.0.2. 2.0.22. .the Vista can’t use rp2. My new laptop can’t connect to m1 . Tried special 2.0 updater for windows 10. And it says version of m1xep too old. Downloaded latest version on my windows 10 laptop.</p>
If you connect with the PC running Vista you should be able to update the M1XEP BUT you will need to update the Bootware to 2.0.4 before going to 2.0.51. Once the update is complete you will need to wait 10 minutes before attempting to reconnect
The computer can’t see the update file. I have tried putting it in 2 different places. The enroll / update button says no file found or something to that affect.
Are you saving the files into C:\ProgramData\RP\Updates —- or click Setup, Options and under Files “Location of updates for controls and peripherals (*bin) ” this is the location to save the BIN files