Keith – When the boxes are highlighted in white, they are disabled. If they are filled in Blue, they are enabled. Clicking on the boxes will toggle them on or off. For example in this image below, all notification methods are enabled (blue in color). Email, Text, and App Push.

In this example below, Sharon has email and text notifications enabled, but push disabled. And the Sales End User has Email Notifications disabled, but push enabled.

I have requested that we add some “information” boxes to provide additional clarity as it is not as intuitive I as our designers thought it would be.
If this doesnt address your issue, please let me know. You can email me directly at or text me at 828-341-2687 with your contact information that is having the issue, I can look at it in the back end to see if we are getting an error attempting to send it out. But I assume, based on your posted informaton I assume you just need to enable it. But if there are any additional issues, we can look into it. I will just need your information do so and I do not want you to post it here.
I am happy to help.