M1 Support Forum Showroom Integration with C4 AND Elan

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  • #8414
    Matt Sirotzki

      This is my first Elk M1 test and I want to do it for a showroom.  I’ve integrated GE\interlogix and Vista panels both individually to both Nice\Elan and Control4.  Since Elk is one of the best for integration, I chose to try and use the M1 for this project.  The issue being,  Control4 can use the xep and the xep HAS to use serial 0 and Nice\Elan can only currently utilize Serial 0.  I would also like to integrate the new elk7ts AND possibly a c1m1.  ( I want to showcase all of the options).  I read that the XSP won’t support integration however came across integrating Russound audio with the old TS07 using the ip232 and it looks like that may work with elan also.  So I guess my summary is

      1. I know the c1m1 and the XEP cant cohabit. Is there away for the C1M1 to allow more than 1 IP device?  (Control4 1 keypad Elan 2 keypad and the 7ts would be 3 too much for the c1m1)
      2. Has anyone tried anything like this?  Serial integration AND IP (elan [serial] Control4 [IP] or similar)
      3. Is there another obvious piece to the puzzle I am missing?
      Brad Weeks

        It is possible to have the Nice/Elan driver communicate over the Local Network to the M1 through the M1XEP however it does require some additional configuration on the Nice/Elan side. Please reach out to Elan for additional information on setup. For multiple connections for example the ELK 7TS , Integration Partner APPS and Home Automation systems (Nice/Elan, Control 4, Crestron, etc.) we’d recommend using the M1XEP as your Network Interface.

        Matt Sirotzki

          Thanks for the response Brad.  Reaching out to Elan/Nice is always tricky since the acquisition, things have been “bumpy”.  However I did briefly play with the driver and I can add an actual ethernet connection which is interesting.  Would the Elk-IP232 work as well?  I am guessing the other option may be a different ip to serial adapter?  My M1 should be arriving before the end of the week so I will dig in more than.  It is great news that Elan can use the XEP though.  That saves me a bunch of time chasing my tail.  I will update this post for others when/if I figure out the answer.  Hopefully for someone’s benefit.

          Brad Weeks

            It should be possible to use the IP232 and connect the serial port of the Elan/Nice interface to the LAN. Within the IP232 Configuration you can write a rule to connect to a specific IP (M1XEP) and Port 2101 upon power up and remain connected indefinitely .

            Matt Sirotzki

              Well I can officially say there was no issues with using the ELK and ip protocol on Elan AND C4.  Testing them both together didn’t show any weirdness.  There were a couple of things to make sture to do.  1. Enable “unsecure port” as per the chowmain C4 driver.  Switch elans connection to ethernet and select the unsecure port number.  That’s it.  The only gotcha is the elkrp2 will kill connectivity when connected but that’s no bid deal and expected (if you were using serial it would be the same thing)  I did not test the rs232 to ip adapter but since this works so good I think I am going to pivot and try the rs232 on caseta integration instead.  Thanks Brad!

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