I have tried various different time servers recently and cannot get any to work I keep getting this error. I have even tried the approved time server from my ISP zipley fiber and still get this error.
The ELK-M1XEP encountered an error while updating its clock from the Time Server.
Please check the server’s address and the DNS server’s address.
Error message: No response from selected time server.
Under the M1XEP Setup, TCP/IP Setting tab have you entered a valid Primary DNS Server IP? You may want to try using the router Gateway as your Primary DNS Server IP and then select a timer server in your area from the NTP site https://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Servers/StratumTwoTimeServers?redirectedfrom=Servers.StratumTwo —- these are listed by Country first and you’ll need to scroll down to cities in the US.