M1 Support Forum Undocumented (or bug) in ASCII AS message

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  • #8689
    Glenn Waters

      When using the ASCII protocol to get alarm status from the panel the following message is received (spaces added for readability):

      1EAS 01010000 04041111 U0000000 00E3

      The “U” is not documented in the ASCII protocol documentation. The person reporting this issue says that they don’t (yet) have a battery on the panel, could the “U” stand for “unsupervised”?

      Brad Weeks

        Are any of the Burg Zones in Area 1 in a Trouble State or programmed with “Periodic Trip” enabled?

        Glenn Waters

          I’m unsure as the problem seems to have resolved. Can you clarify if “U” is valid in the ASCII Alarm Status message and what “U” stands for?

          Glenn Waters

            So the problem has reoccurred and there is a zone in troubled state.

            Brad Weeks

              At this time it isn’t documented M1 RS232 Protocol but the ‘U’ matches up with the “SecurityAlert” alarm in the M1’s Alarm Type Table.

              Glenn Waters

                I looked through all the docs (installation and user guide) but did not find the Alarm Type Table. Where should I look?  Thanks!

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