One of my customers has several hardwired and wireless devices. Window and door reeds are wireless as well as some PIR. The Wireless PIR, the Elk 6030 are triggering the alarm after being set in AWAY mode after approx 1hr. This is consistent every time the alarm is armed in AWAY mode. Two of the 6030 reported the alarm and after changing pulse count it made no difference. I have disabled two out of four of these 6030 and the other two PIR are still triggering the alarm. The window / door reeds are not. My customer said he was reading online that it is a common issue related to battery test of the PIR. I haven’t heard or read this anywhere, has anybody else come across this and if so how do I disable the battery test of the 6030 PIR to see if this is the culprit? Any help is appreciated.
Range doesn’t appear to be an issue, as I have two wireless receivers installed that are within a short range of each PIR. I have completed walk tests of each wireless device and they trigger and restore and you would expect.