M1 Controls - Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, there are 2 models. The ELK-M1G (Gold) has 16 main zones expandable to 208. The ELK-M1EZ8 is a smaller version with 8 main zones expandable to 200. Among the key differences are that the ELK-M1G has a built-in voice vocabulary, telephone remote, On/Off Switch, and Low Battery Cutoff which the M1EZ8 does not. The ELK-M1EZ8 is for smaller jobs although both panels share nearly the same security and automation programmability.
The ELK-M1G (Gold) and ELK-M1EZ8 each support up to 16 Keypads.
The ELK-M1KP has a built-in speaker but it is only used for the beep tones. All voice and siren sounds come from the alarm outputs 1 or 2 on the main board. It is possible to install supplementary speakers (i.e. ELK SP12F, etc.) behind or nearby any keypad and wire these back to the alarm output(s).
ELK offers a variety of keypad designs including touchscreens, LCD keypads and simple arming stations. M1 Peripherals & Accessories
Yes, with the addition of an ELK-M1XEP the M1 can be LAN/WAN/Internet connected.
You can write customized instructions, called "Rules," for the M1 to control what it does in response to certain events. These rules are written with the help of ElkRP's Rules Programming Engine. You can write a rule to turn on a light any time a door is opened, to turn your lawn sprinkler on a dawn every other day for ten minutes, and to automatically adjust your thermostat when you leave on vacation. Rules give you access to "Triggering Events," such as a time of day, an input zone change, a user action, and even trouble conditions. Based on one or a combination of such events, you can control all the M1's outputs, activate the dialer, arm the system, etc. The possibilities are endless!
No. Rules are actually assembled from a list of variables that are displayed for you. Simply point and click to the "Trigger" then click on the action to be taken. You'll find this is easy and actually fun to use.
"The M1 currently has the following agency listings:
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
UL 1023, Household Burglary
ULC C1023-74, Canadian Household Burg
UL 985, Household Fire
ULC S545-02, Canadian Residential Fire
UL 1635, Digital Alarm Communicator
UL 1637, Home Health Care Signaling
UL 1610, Central Station Burglar
UL 365, Police Station Connected Burglar
UL 609, Local Burglar Alarm
ULC S303, Canadian Local Burglar Alarm
UL S304, Canadian Central & Monitoring Station Burglar Alarm
CSA C22.2 No. 205-M1983, Canadian Signaling Equipment
Yes. By the addition of the ELK-M1XEP Ethernet Interface it is possible to write rules to send emails based on certain criteria.
Yes, rules can be written for automatic arming & disarming. These rules can be based on a time schedule, occupancy, or other conditions.
Yes, the M1G (Gold) model can accept analog voltage inputs on any of its 208 zones. Rules can be written to analyze readings against certain thresholds and produce actions.
Yes, the ELK-M1G talks! No add-on modules required. Voice messages from the M1G are announced through speakers connected to Output 1 on the main board. NOTE: The ELK-M1EZ8 DOES NOT TALK.
The M1 can request periodic readings and then execute rules based on the readings but it does not perform math functions or retain historic data. However, M1 Cloud Partner Connect ONE offers services related to temperature trends and historic data.
Yes, effective with firmware 4.3.5 you may create a rule to disable the non-alarm voice messages based on a time of day, a specific event, etc. Example rules can be found here.
Yes, the M1 automatically adjusts for Daylight Savings time. The start and stop days can be adjusted using the ELK-RP software. FYI: The M1G (Gold) also has a built-in astronomical clock so that it knows when sunrise and sunset occur.
The M1 has low battery disconnect built-in. When operating off backup battery (due to AC power fail), the M1 generates a low battery trouble when the voltage reaches 11.2 VDC. If battery voltage drops to ~10 VDC (+/- 2%), the M1 disconnects the battery and shuts down. This is to prevent low voltage false alarms and battery deep discharge.
Any hardwired Carbon Monoxide Detector that is designed to work with a 12V alarm system will work with the M1. ELK offers a wireless carbon monoxide detector, ELK-6051.
"For electronic door control (door strike or mag lock) operation, each door requires a dedicated Keypad or M1KAM access module, a relay output (to switch the voltage), and one or more ""Access"" enabled user codes. An optional Proximity card reader can be plugged into the keypad(s). A proximity card can then be programmed in place of a 4 or 6 digit user code.
The programming steps are:
Step 1: Enable the ""Access"" authority for the user code.
Step 2: Write a rule stating: Whenever Access Keypad X is activated, Then turn on Output X for X seconds. Substitute a valid Keypad, Output, and time for the Xs.
Step 3: Wire the door strike through the relay so that the strike operates when the contacts change state.
The Access limitations are:
A. The number of doors is limited 16.
B. The maximum number of user codes (or prox cards) is 199.
M1 Cloud Partner, Connect ONE offers enhanced access control features including increased access points, users, etc."
There are 13 outputs on the main board. Output 1 is Voice/Siren (not available on M1EZ8), 2 is Siren/Voltage, 3 is a form C relay, and 7 to 16 are low current 12V pins. We skip outputs 4,5, and 6.
"1) Ensure you're not connected via RP when testing sending email.
2) Make sure you have a valid ""From"" address. Many ISP's and other providers downstream from you will block an email message if they cannot verify the ""From"" address.
3) Verify your mail server's OUTGOING URL or IP address. Some use different servers for incoming vs. outgoing.
4) If your M1XEP is set to a STATIC address (vs. DHCP), make sure the DNS entries are correct on the TCP/IP Settings page. Otherwise, the M1XEP cannot look up the mail server's URL.
5) If your mail server requires authentication (username/password) check the spelling, upper/lower case, and also check if you have a user ID. Some email providers assign a User ID that is different from your login user name - perhaps you need it instead. (New feature with XEP firmware v1.2)
6) Try a simple rule, like WHENEVER EVERY 5 MINUTES THEN SEND EMAIL MESSAGE 1, to ensure the problem is with the email sending and not the rule."
"There are three options for wireless:
ELK-M1XRFTWM - This wireless transceiver connects to the M1 data bus and adds up to 144 wireless zones to the system. It is compatible with ELK Two-Way Wireless Sensors. Up to 4 transceivers may be added to increase coverage area.
ELK-M1XRF319 - This wireless receiver connects to the M1 data bus adds up to 144 wireless zones to the system. It is compatible with ELK 319 Series Wireless Sensor and other 319.5MHz sensor such as Interlogix. Up to 9 receivers may be added to increase coverage area.
ELK-M1XRF2H - This wireless receiver connects to the M1 data bus and adds up to 144 wireless zones to the system. It is compatible with Honeywell (Ademco) 5800 Series One Way Transmitters. Up to 9 receivers may be added to increase coverage area.
The correct EOL resistors for the M1 are 2.2K (2,200 Ohm). This value provides a proper range against false activation. 3.3K resistors are too close to the high edge and must be replaced with 2.2K resistors when changing panels.
No. You must wait 24 hours after changes are made to sunrise / sunset settings before testing any rules that reference those settings