I am having trouble connecting my M1XSP to a somfy shade. Here is the backstory. I purchased a M1XSP and a URTS II interface to control somfy shades. I have successfully registered my unit and made sure the baud rate is at 9600 to talk to the somfy unit. My command into the Elk system is “When F4 on the keypad is pressed then send the following text “0103U” I have tried sending it with the <cr> and without. I have also set the jumper to RS232. The URTS came with an RJ485/DB9 adapter which I plugged in and still did not get a signal to the unit. I have tried creating my own serial cable by installing a LAN Connector to the ELD-406A cable and have tried every combination on pins 2,3 and 5. I according to the URTSII manual I needed to put the RX into position 3 the TX into position 6 and the ground into position 8 in the LAN input.
My questions are obviously what am I missing?
Am I supposed to measure a signal when I press F4 on pins 2 and 5 on the M1XSP? I am not sure on how a DB9 serial port works but I assume its like any other electrical circuit.