I have installed and ELK 6051 in my basement next to a fire alarm detector ELK-6053. The 6053 works fine, but the ELK 6051 looses transmission every 26 hours or so. I have replaced the AA batteries but I still get loss of RF supervision every 26 hours or so? Any Ideas?
Make sure the circuit board is fully pressed onto the mounting pins. Under the Wireless Setup what is the Supervisory Time window set to 1=Normal or 3=Fire?
Set to 1-Normal to see if you get Lost Transmitter after 26 hours. What is the Firmware in the M1? It needs to be 5.3.10. If you have more than one ELK M1XRFTW Transceiver they must be the “M (M1XRFTWM) version
Hello, I got the error of lost supervision again for this zone (I have another CO detector that works file). I have swapped the two devices and placed this one about 120 feet from the ELK M1XRFTW, so it is not a range issue, but rather a device specific issue. I haver changed the supervision to 1, and two days later I get the same error or the same zone for the same device. Any ideas for next step?
Hello, The issue of lost supervision is not resolved. I noticed that the top green light is on solid. Removing the batteries and inserting them again, makes the top light to blink and reset the error, for 26 hours or so. How can I resolve the issue?