M1 Support Forum Issue sending emails

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  • #7447
    Bruce Cowan

      A few years ago I configured a rule to send an email every evening at 8pm.

      For the last 6 months or so, my M1 has not been able to send the email messages.

      Prior to this, for years, the email messages were 100% successful even after Google added the requirement of having 2-Step-Verification

      The rule is:

      THEN SEND EMAIL MESSAGE 1 TO [email address] (Email 1)
      THEN ANNOUNCE Say Time (vm238)

      99% of the time the email message never gets through
      The odd time, the email does get sent

      100% of the time the “announce” message works, indicating the rule is actually firing

      The issue appears to be with sending emails in general as sending a “test” message via the email tab in the M1XEP setup also fails 99% of the time. There are

      times when sending an email using this method is successful

      Running a DNS test is always successful

      here is a log file of a failed attempt

      Send Email 1
      SendEmail_Init GlobalSMTPType: 1, DNSGood: True, GlobalSMTPAddr: smtp.gmail.com
      SendEmail_Init getaddrinfo:
      SendEmail_Init smtp_addr:
      SendEmail_Init smtp_port: 00465
      SendEmail_Init Subject: Alert from M1 – M1XEP
      SendEmail_Init To: [valid email address]
      SendEmail_Init Body: ELK security system TEST message
      SendEmail_Init Username: [valid gmail address]
      SendEmail_Init Password: [valid gmail assigned password]
      SendEmail_Init From: [valid gmail address]
      SendEmail_Init Domain: gmail.com
      SendEmail_Init LastConnectSSL=True
      SendEmail_Init LastConnectSTARTTLSFailed=False
      SendEmail_Init LastConnectAuth=07
      ConnectToMailServer Sock=00000022
      ConnectToMailServer: Connected
      SendEmail_Negotiate_SSL successful
      SendEmail_ServerReady response=
      ConnectToMailServer Sock=00000025
      ConnectToMailServer: Connected
      SendEmail_Negotiate_SSL successful
      SendEmail_ServerReady response=
      Send Email Done

      Any suggestions would be appreciated


      Brad Weeks

        In the M1XEP Setup click Trace, click Show Setup, Click Resume (very important), click the M1XEP Setup and click Test, wait approximately 20 seconds, from the Trace Window click Copy To Clipboard , paste into an email and forward to techsupport@elkproducts.com . In your Gmail Account have you setup the 2-Step Verification https://www.elkproducts.com/email-security-settings-using-app-passwords-for-gmail-and-yahoo-with-the-m1xep/ which will give you a 16 Digit Code to use for the Password within the M1XEP under the Email Tab

        Keith Belt

          I came across this thread when tryimng to research a similar email problem, but I do not see any “Trace” button or tabin the M1EXP setup. Am I missing something?

          Brad Weeks

            Please make sure you are running the latest 2.0.41 version of the ElkRP2 Software

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