Prevent Costly Water Damage / The Security & Automation Connection Offer an added level of protection with ELK’s Water Shutoff Valve controlled by ELK’s Alarm Engine or M1 Control Prevents damage by automatically turning the water off when away - great for vacation homes! Send alerts when a leak is detected and quickly turns the water off to stop water damage. Easily turn the water on and off from anywhere with smartphone control. Alarm Engine E27 Controls M1 Security & Automation M1 Gold Controls Water Shutoff Valve ELK-WSV3 319.5 MHz Water Sensor ELK-319WA EXPLORE OTHER TOPICS Clarity & Convenience: Elk Recordable Modules Offer Personalized Door Alert Solutions Unlock New Possibilities: Extending the E27 or M1 Data Bus over Fiber Using the Comnet FDX60 Security & Beyond: Unlocking the Power of Custom Voice Messages & Alerts with ELK Recordable Driver Modules Prevent Costly Water Damage Email Security Settings – Using App Passwords for Gmail and Yahoo with the M1XEP Back-up Battery Care Discrete Speakers in Every Room Understanding Battery Testers 5 Tips for the M1 Data Bus Think beyond signs for social distancing and mask reminders